
Navigating the waters of duplicity


Zebeck's third album "Catharsis", written, performed and produced by Thomas Frisk


Dharma is Zebeck's second album, written, performed and produced by Thomas Frisk.


Zebeck's debut album was recorded at Flatpig Studio, Malmö, Sweden, featuring Hannes Wall on drums and Jens Wall on bass.

'Sus Scrofa' and 'Renewal'


'Subtraction of Fear' and 'Syntonizer'



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Zebeck is a musical project by Franco-Swedish guitarist/composer Thomas Frisk.

  • A zebeck is a three-masted Mediterranean vessel with both square and lateen sails, formerly used by corsairs. -
    The music is characterized by strong dynamics, playfulness, and spontaneity; a groovy blend of progressive rock with influences spanning from jazz to death metal.

The seeds of Zebeck were sown in southern France in the spring of 2005, and since then, it has taken on a life of its own, eager to set sail on its maiden voyage. A power trio formed the basis of this musical journey, with plenty of space for experimentation and evolution.

The first trio emerged in Malmö, Sweden, in May 2007, featuring Jens Wall on bass and his brother Hannes Wall on drums. In late 2009, the band recorded their 10-track debut album, Emancipation. However, the trio soon split up after realizing they were drifting apart musically.

In the fall of 2010, drummer Rickard Langnesund joined Zebeck, followed by bassist Anders Lindskog in early 2011. Emancipation was released in May 2011, and the second line-up made its live debut.

In 2013, Thomas relocated to Stockholm, where material for the second album began to take shape. In late 2015, Zebeck returned to its Mediterranean roots in Nice, France, forming a new trio with Pierre Dor on drums and Alexandre Bedetti on bass. The group played several live shows before tragedy struck with Alexandre’s passing in 2020, bringing a sudden halt to the trio.

After a couple of years of uncertainty about the future of the project, Thomas decided to continue alone, producing a new record.

Thomas: "I felt the music had naturally evolved over the past 11 years, and I was ready to release it to the public. It proved to be the right decision, as the positive response has been overwhelming. I'm very proud to announce the signing of a licensing deal with Italian label WormHoleDeath for the re-release of Zebeck’s second album Dharma. This marks a new milestone in the project's journey, and I feel confident in continuing this solo endeavor."

In the fall of 2023, Thomas began working on new material. On 18 November 2024, the single "The Opening" was released, revealing a fresh sound:

"Zebeck's 'The Opening' is a dark, heavy track that achieves its power without relying on a wall of guitars or growls. Steering clear of minimalism and feedback, the track's pulsating rhythm guides the listener into a darker, more atmospheric sound. The musicians create an immersive, thriller-prog atmosphere, with production that feels both grand and intimate. It’s unclear whether the track is truly 'low-budget,' but that hardly matters—it’s pure majesty." — PROGland

This track also opens Zebeck’s third album, Catharsis, released on 13 December 2024.

Join the Zebeck Tribe as we set sail to navigate the seas of duplicity! 🚀🎸